Happy Birthday Tavish and Ella!


Well, I was trying to make it to 34 weeks this Sunday, but my twins decided to make their appearance at 33wks 4d on January 25th. After being in the hospital on bed rest for preterm labor since week 28, my water broke at 3:45 am on January 25th. From there, everything went very quickly. Both of my babies were in the breech position so a vaginal attempt was not an option for us. At 4:45 am they had found a doctor to do the c section, and at 5:45 Tavish Ahren was born. He weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 18 3/4 inches long. His sister Lyella Claire was born right after him at 5:46. She also weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19 inches long. The nurses all said they had never seen boy/girl twins that weighed the exact same or look as alike as they do! We are all doing well, Tavish and Ella will be in NICU for at least a couple of weeks to learn how to eat and breathe on their own