I’m in a situation.


My life is complicated and if your arrive to this please I beg read on you lot are actually my only help 😭

It’s about guys...if u had enough please leave. I have two crushes. One of them is a my parents friend’s kid(code name-Squid). They other is this guy at school(code name-Coco). Don’t judge my code names!

So Squid is the person who you see every weekend because your parents are such good friends. He is funny, smart and taller than me (yes in my eyes it matters)

Coco is that guy who is really quiet but when you talk to him he warms up pretty quick to you! He cute and even more funnier.

I like them both equally sooo mmuuchhh!

I’ve know Squid for 3 years and we have been on holiday together as well. On the other hand I’ve only know Coco for 6 months.

So that was the back story...Hera the situation

2 nights ago I had a dream that Squid came from behind me and kissed me on the cheek I thought that real but turns out I woke up at 1 am brilliant! Now on with another part.

Yesterday the guy who was sitting next to coco at lunch came up to me and said that coco has been stalking your WhatsApp profile because I had texted him saying who is this as he was on a group chat with me and then he added ur contact and put love hearts emojis next to it. This got me mixed emotions, I felt happy and confused and shocked and a lot said don’t believe him. Then later I texted his mate asking if it was true and he said yes...still didn’t believe so I finally got the guts to ask coco himself...he didn’t reply till the morning. That night I had a dream so realistic that we were sorting this out and he asked me out but I woke up that sucks. After school that day we started texting actually sorting out and making fun of each other.

It creeped me out how I had 2 dreams about 2 guys 24 hours apart! Someone please help me! They are driving me crazy!😨

UPDATE: I ENDED UP TELLING COCO HOW I FELT AND HE ASKED ME OUT! WE DATED FOR A MONTH UNTIL WE BROKE UP! ITS OKAY THOU. Now I don’t have feelings much for both of them I guess boys r unnecessary in my life rn