long distance

hey guys so my boyfriend who i have bonded a lot with and dated for a while and is basically my best friend moved to the other side of the country. i want to keep dating him but this is so hard for me. he’s so bad at answering his phone, always sleeps in, three hours behind bc of the time zones and it’s hard for me because i do love him but i’m really affectionate irl and need that back. i know it’s worth it in the long run but is it really? i always doubt myself. Also, he says he will visit as much as he can, and although he is bad at answering his phone it’s because he helps his family with the farm work. also, when he does answer, it is very wholeheartedly and he always apologizes. he is very sweet and supportive and empathetic thanks girls! i just need advice and some lift me up hope for a future with him. thnaks.