TMI!!! Tearing


We all hear stories, we all knows it’s very possibly going to happen. And it’s a true fear of fine! Tearing! With that being said, any moms on here that have any recommendations? I’m trying to stay positive but I have a sense that tearing is inevitable for me. I haven’t had sex in a while and when I did the other day, lo and behold, I had spotting. And the spotting??? Was from none other but small little tear down there. Wtf??? If sex does this to me, what’s in store for me in the future?? Omg I can’t even imagine what birth would do to me. Mind you, hubby is on the hum hum thicker side, sorry tmi, but still! My first was a c section so I never got to experience vaginal birth first time. I almost want to post this anonymously but I would love some input ladies. 😮