Copper IUD & depression on the pill

Kaley • Your local loud-mouthed bisexual.

I’m going to my gyno next week to further discuss this, just want some of your thoughts/experiences! My birth control pills have been worsening my depression. This has been really difficult because before I starting taking my pills in October, I was finally in a stable, happy place. Now my depression is getting harder to handle, my mood swings are awful and so on. I’m on one of the lowest doses of hormones possible so I think the only way to eliminate this is a hormone-free method. I’m very small, so even though it’s low hormones, it’s been taking a toll on me physically and my breasts have almost grown an entire cup size, so not hard to imagine it’s affecting my mental state as well, especially with a history of depression.

So! I’ve been looking into Copper IUD (Paragard I believe!) Does anyone have any experience?! Or has anyone else dealt with depression on the pill? Just looking for some advice!