Cerclage, highrisk, perterm labour .. 27+3


3.5yrs ago i had my son at 27+3weeks. He stayed in the hospital for almost 4months. He’s a healthy, active, normal baby with no problems at all. I was 4cm dialated so it was too late for a cerclage or anything, after a week i gave birth to a baby boy.

Today im 27+3weeks with my 2nd baby, i got a cerclage placed at 14weeks which is holding strong so far 🙏🏻 i get regular checkups every 2weeks to makesure im not going in labour.

At 22weeks my cervix was at 2.5cm and so far its been steady ive been taking progesterone pills to help the cervix. My doctors said the cervix is long and strong so dont worry about the measurements, but im so paranoid :| the feeling of something going wrong or the baby coming early is scaring me so much 😩 all i want is a fullterm babyy!!

Any of you guy’s have a fullterm baby with a cerclage or made it close??