What would you do?


Here's my current situation: I'm pregnant with my second child and contemplating being a stay at home Mom once the new baby is here. Right now I have shitty pay, shitty coworkers but some days I do enjoy my job. By the time my baby is here all of my debt will be paid off. My SO already pays for our home & utilities so all I'll need paid for once the baby is here is my car insurance & phone bill. So under $150/month... plus miscellaneous things like food, gas, etc. my SO gives me $300 per month right now for daycare.

Option 1.) stay at home with my kids. Have SO pay for my few expenses I'll have. - theoretically he'd still just give me $300 per month as he is now.

Option 2.) work full time. Literally half of my pay will go to daycare plus few expenses I have would leave me bringing home about 1/4 of my monthly salary.

Option 1 makes more sense to me. I can stay home, raise my babies, & my SO can still give me $300/month as he has been for a long time now.

I think option 2 will essentially be me working to pay for daycare. I'll bring home roughly $300 a month at that rate. Doesn't sound logical to me. But it's a big step so I want other opinions.

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