Hair Loss Help

I am 28yrs old. I always use to loose more hair than the average person but I always had very thick full shiny hair. I was always praised by men, women, friends, family, and strangers. It was the only thing I liked about myself. In October I noticed a LOT more hair falling out in the shower, when I would blow dry, straighten, and brush it. I went to my PCP and he didn't care. November I got 5 inches cut off but my hair stylist said, "what the hell happened to your hair you have bad thinning patches." It literally has gone done hill from there. I went to my dermatologist and he didnt really seem to care said my hair looked fine but said try rogaine and they did a biopsy. Got my results and it ended up being the worse possible thing. Genetic hair loss and there is no cure. I got told that it normally hits women in menopause. If I have literally lost half my hair in 4 months how long before i go bald!!. ANY ADVICE OR HELP?