Need some Input On this .


well lets just start with my SO's uncle passed away who was like his own father . so hes been on edge obviously understandable . but I feel like hes taking anything and everything out on me like displaced anger . . so currently until spring we are living on our friends parents property in a trailer . at the moment no running water pipes are frozen so we havent been able to do laundry well he tells me when he picks me up from work after working 3rd shift on 2 hrs sleep 11:50pm - 10 am so naturally I'm cranky and just wanna get some sleep .. but he says hey gonna go over to my aunts and do my laundry . and I asked your laundry ? what about mine ? I have one clean pair of pants and tshirt and underwear left . and he gets pissed about me asking with a small attitude .. so I'm pissed and say fuck you . etc etc . I go to sleep and dont wake up till 11:40 pm tonight and I have to get ready for work and hes pissed I slept that long and everything I started crying cause he's yelling at me . . and my coworkers staring at him like you dick . . between his uncle dying from thyroid , lung& brain cancer started from his thyroid he quit smoking and started dipping again ( chewing tobacco ) . should I just brush it off ? because of those two factors ? need advice 🙄😒