Only 16ish days left, help!

So, 16 days til my due date and we don’t have a name. My husband and I don’t like each other’s suggestions. My first son I picked the name (perk to being single mom I guess). He’s Eli Michael (and has my maiden name). I want a name for this boy that sounds good and sounds good with my 1st sons. My husband wanted to name this one after his grandfather but I really don’t care for Franklin and he has an uncle Frank too. I really just can’t picture my child with any of the names he suggests. The closest we’ve come is Henry. I don’t hate it, but I like others much better. And I don’t like anything as a middle name. Why is this so hard ☹️

My favs so far:

Emmett Henry S

Emmett Franklin S

Tobias Henry S

I like Eli and Emmett and Eli and Toby would be cute too.