Sorry vent

2017 was bad enough now 1 month into 2018 and it’s so shit. Found out my grandma died this morning in England, my grades in school are shit cause every time I have a test or exam I have a panic attack, my dad thinks I’m over my depression but obviously I’m not, I have horrible acne, I’ve been keeping my brothers secret that he doesn’t go to work and instead leaves the house but comes back an hour later to sleep and while we’re staying at a rental house while our house is getting ready I stained there mattresses with my blood and since last night have been trying to get rid of it and now there asking a for a mattress back. I told my dad about it and he rolled his eyes telling me nice job look what you done. I don’t have anyone left my brothers has anger problems my dad only sees one side of a story, my sister is in England and hardly talks to me, my mother and my dad separated when 2 years old and now she’s hardly a mother to me but is one to my brother and sister. I’m just 15 I shouldn’t be having daily panic attacks, I know people say I can do this and whatever not but I’m sick and tired of everyone’s bullshitz