1/28 - CD 3


Just another day in AF land 🤨 trying to decide on whether I’m going to do opks or not. Because I’m so irregular, I think it would be good. Though last month I ran out before I even ovulated because it was so late! So if I do, I’m going to start them later. The earliest I’ve ever Od has been CD 16 so maybe if I start a few days before then instead of right after AF. My husband is gone February 2-9 so hopefully I O shortly after he gets back and not during that time!

My daughters 2nd birthday is February 11th so I’m hoping February is a lucky month 🍀😏 glow and FF have predicted different days for when I will O, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens this cycle! Just hoping it’s sooner than later 🤞🏼🙏🏼