Depression and Relationships

Today has been a rough day. I'm overly irritated and everything makes my heart break. My husband and I got into an argument needless to say I took my wedding band and engagement ring off. He left. I have been begging for months for help around the house because I work 60+ hours a week and so does he. I've tried a reward system like I do with the kids at work and it worked for a week with my husband but he stopped...I threatened to leave and he insisted that I don't and he'd change so I stayed and it worked for a few weeks. I'm back to begging and pleading for him to help me and nothing just says he'll get to it when he gets to it. when it's been a week since you asked him for help... needless to say we argued I took my rings off laid them on the counter and he lefts. what should I do? How much should a woman take before letting herself give up? How do you get your husband to understand it's not that you just want the help because you don't feel like doing things more or less it's because you're in need of help because your overwhelmed?