4 week old only wants mom.......


My 4 week old will only calm down with me... I can’t hand him off to husband because he will be crying within 5 mins. I’ve handed him over to shower and he screamed for 15 mins for Dad before I could take him back. Calms right down for me. Dad tries to sooth him, gives him breastmilk bottles, diaper changes.. once he starts crying he won’t stop for anyone but me. I’m going crazy! Hes been this way since 1 week. He won’t take a paci and will refuse a bottle if he’s mad enough. I feel like Dad has no tools to help him! Any tips? I’ve tried holding off and not taking baby back from Dad, but after him screaming bloody murder for 15 mins, i don’t feel its constructive at all for the poor baby!!! My 2 year old was never like this so I’m at a complete loss!