Post Partum Sexual Relationship with Hubby

I’m sure many have experienced a change after having a baby, but after countless conversations with my husband and no change, I’m feeling really lost and frustrated.

Before baby, we were wildly active in our sexual relationship. Every single time we had an opportunity, we were.

Now my husband travels for work and works long hours. He gets home and he is exhausted after traveling 8 hrs to get home and then turn around and drive back less than 2 days later.

We talk about it during the week and how we can’t wait for him to be home... and then I can’t get him motivated. He chooses sleep, or Madden.. and I try to be hands on, but I feel dejected. He claimed today that he gets nervous.. which I feel is just lazy. I told him he never had this problem before.. I don’t know what to do. I’m tired of trying to get things going, and always having to be the one to initiate. Especially when I’m with the baby (7 weeks old) all week.. it would be nice if he would step up and be the one to initiate.

Any tips?? I really don’t know what to do.