Omg this cant be real life! 🤬


Okay so 39+5 today... since 39 weeks- been having constant Braxton Hicks every night inconsistently. However today since 10 am been experiencing contractions that are 4-6 mins apart consistently and have gradually gotten worse. Been loosing mucus plug all day as well. I know I should have gone in but, being that I wasn’t like in excruciating pain- I decided to just wait a little time until I couldn’t take it anymore... it seems like now at freaking 9:30- they seem to be getting better after mentally preparing myself and doing all last minute preparations. I’m so frustrated! Is there any thing I can do to keep the contractions coming? That might sound silly but I’m willing to try anything at this point and sexy is not an option I’m going thru a divorce and living with mom 😫🙄