broken up, still friends, and moving on?

i got out of a 6 year relationship November of 2017. we had been engaged at some point and I ultimately called it off last January and in November we ended on mutual terms. he thinks we still have potential to be together in the future and I'm not 100% certain on that for various reasons. most of them being that we don't religiously align anymore and he's changed into someone that I'm not sure I could be with. regardless, we're friends still but we aren't talking consistently other than an update here and there on his part. we were long distance and he's made comments on how I didn't try and that I gave up on us when I consistently tried to incorporate time together. he was always the one that said his religious activities interferred with things. it got to the point where it interferred with our communication and intimacy. he insists I gave up but i fought with him on a weekly basis on trying to make us work. I told him consistently what I wanted and needed and he never followed through. I don't know how to interact with him anymore because I feel like all he is is cruel or trying to figure out the best way to get back together with me. I feel I can't cut him off though because he was my best friend for 6 years. but I've also heard the saying that some people are in your life for a reason and some are there for a season... I've now found a guy that gives me what I need before I even have to ask for it and he may be it for me. he's everything, not perfect, but great regardless. he gets my humor and we have similar outlooks on career, religion, kids, the whole nine yards. I'm 24 and trying to navigate dating again but to find someone like this so early on is unheard of right? what the hell am I doing