After 12 months, still only want one.


I'm wondering, if anyone else is feeling this way too. I was 30 before we decided to start having kids. My pregnancy wasn't easy but was easier than I was expecting with my fibromyalgia. Labor was a breeze, which was the complete opposite of what I was expecting also. However, the first 12 months have been such a struggle for me. I'm probably the last one that should be complaining, as I've had it pretty easy. My husband had 6 months of paid paternity leave, the other 6 months of it he worked from home 90% of the time. I breastfed exclusively, but we had no outside help. No babysitters, no family taking the baby more than two times for a couple hours in the first year. I have been 100 times more protective of him than I thought I would be and we don't let him cry. I love him so much, in that way that everyone says they never knew existed before they had kids. On the other hand, it has been so unbearably exhausting and I feel so burnt out. Just the thought of having to go through these first 12 months with another baby is something I'm having a hard time imagining. Horrifying. Unfathomable. Like 'husband-dont-touch-me' kind of unthinkable. The way I felt, before having my first, about how impossible it was to squeeze a baby out naturally was pretty strong, but this is so much more. It makes me wonder if maybe with my fibromyalgia, I really do have it tougher than I think I should be feeling given my circumstances. I have a very hard time wrapping my head around how anyone can have their first child and then turn around and want to do it all over again. I'm not judging at all those who are ready for their next. I'm just wondering how many feel the way I do.