Lost my mucous plug at 33+6 weeks... Terrified

Elizabeth • Working Navy Wife and Mommy 👶🏽🎀

This pregnancy hasn’t been the easiest. Bleeding from my cervix since week 7 and was on pelvic rest. We had almost weekly trips to the ER. Then SCH at week 26, which led to a week and a half in the hospital on bed rest preparing for a micro premie. Finally at week 30, after 2 weeks of no bleeding at all, I was allowed to do a modified bed rest.

Then this morning at 33+6, my mucous plug came out. We finally thought we were in the clear and now we’re back to a possible early delivery and NICU time.

Thankfully we met with the neonatologist group when we were in the hospital, but I’m really just hoping we make it to week 36.

Anyone else had their mucous plug come out early?

Any suggestions on how to keep baby inside for the next 2 weeks at least?!