Depression- The Doctors**** UPDATE****

Sorry for the long post- to get straight to my question... how do i even begin to explain to the doctor what is going on with me? What should I be telling them? So anyway..I've felt like this for months, some weeks worse than other- a lot worse. But from the end of last year it has been a constant feeling. I've tried to speak to someone about it but I feel like they don't honestly care so that didn't help and I don't have friends to talk to. I haven't been to college in 2 weeks and have barley even left the house. I've blocked all my tutors numbers and ignored everything. I cant bare to act normal with everyone anymore when im really not okay within myself. My family don't know I've been staying home all day. I've been starving myself for as long as I can and only eat when I'm desperately bored and don't know what to do with myself anymore. For me starving myself is my form of self harm. I don't want visable scars as people will notice which I don't want. I got the courage to book a doctors appointment the middle of last week but the closest appointment wasn't until the 6th February. I was shocked that i had to wait that long- what am i going to do with myself until then. I'm so scared to go. It's highly likely that I'll have to go by myself so I'll probably end up cancelling but I know I need help now. How do I even being to explain to the doctor what is going on with me? *** Update *** I did end up going to the appointment which I deeply regret and wish I cancelled. I Feel worse than before I went. My worse fear happened which was the doctor not helping/diagnosing/ taking me seriously. I had no clue how to bring it up so i just said id been feeling down and depressed these past few month's. I wish i explained it properly now. She asked if anything had happened to make me feel like this and I mentioned the family deaths from last year. Then the whole appointment just became about that as if I'm just grieving and upset. It's so much more than that. But as soon as I started speaking I just completely broke down crying. You don't feel like completely hurting yourself and wanting to end your life because you're just upset- I genuinely feel as though the she didn't take my issue seriously. She didn't ask about any other symptoms so I didn't mention what I've been doing to myself- the harming the starving myself.. She suggested speaking to family but seriously if i felt I could do that then I wouldn't have made an appointment. I was given a leaflet and that was it really. I was getting annoyed so I just walked out if the appointment when I realised I wasn't getting anywhere. I found it no use what so ever so now I have to struggle completely alone. No wonder there are so many suicides and mental health incidents when people who know something isn't right are ignored.