I need help or someone to talk to please


Hey everyone my name is Geneva I’m 17 I’ll be 18 in September I have really bad depression and anxiety and it’s getting worse!! All I do is sleep or cry!! I don’t usually tell people my problems but I don’t know what to do anymore I feel lonely and lost!! May 23 of this year will make 1 year that my best friend committed suicide and I’ve been taking it really hard!! Let alone my grandma will be passed away 1 year this year to on September the 8 my grandma passed away 5 days before my birthday!! After losing them both in the same year and just losing them in general! I lost myself nothing makes me happy anymore!! I don’t go out and do the stuff teens should do!! I don’t talk to anyone I just stay to myself and either sleep or cry!! It’s hard being without them they was the only people

I really talked to about my problems! So I just need someone to talk to or something cause I’m lost and I don’t why to do anymore!! Thanks