Late ovulation?


So i was supposed to start my period on Friday 1/27 but it never came. Had some cramping that seemed like AF cramps and bloating so i figured she was on her way, running late. I got off the pill end of November so this is only my second period since, so i figured my body is just regulating and that’s why I’m late. Haven’t had any symptoms. Thought i started my period yesterday: very light pink bleeding during the second half of the day when i would wipe but not heavy enough to even leak onto my panty liner. Woke up last night with some pretty bad cramps and so far today i have had ZERO bleeding. Did i ovulate late and this is possibly implantation? Or is this just pre-period? Going to wait until next weekend to test if she doesn’t show. Haven’t tracked ovulation, just going by Glow. Had sex every 3-4 days this month. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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