Digital shower appropriate for military wife/ first time mom?


I'm a first time mom to be and am curious for honest opinions. This is our first baby and we honestly have most of what we need except some items here and there. My family and friends live over 800 miles away because my husband is in the marine corp, and flying home isn't an option for us budget wise. My mom and MIL offered to throw a "digital shower" so that I could still have one, (have an online registry and games on a Facebook page we create) and get some of what we still need. But my husband feels like it's kind of tacky and looks like we are begging for money, especially because we can't be there in person. I'm kind of bummed I'm missing out on the experience of a baby shower as is because it's my first, so a digital shower is the closest I'd get to a "real" one. Opinions?