How to get my friend back

So long story short I had a bf a while ago and we broke up in a month of being together. I broke up with him cause I see him more as a friend than a bf. So after a little time we became good friends after the break up and he tried to get back with me a few times but I turned him down. After a while went by I met a new guy (who I’m still with rn) I unfortunately made the mistake and told my friend (ex) about my new bf and I even told him about our sex life. Ik it sounds weird to talk about ur new sex life with ur ex but he asked me about it and he’s my friend and Ik if he found out that I was sexually actively from someone else he’d be SO mad that I didn’t tell him. Plus I didn’t want to lie to him. After a while longer my new bf and I got in a fight and I told my friend (ex) all about it. My friend got his hopes up thinking my new bf and I were completely over. Than I got back with my bf and my friend (ex) was mad af. He called me a liar saying that I told him that me and the other guy would not get back together and we did. I do feel bad but it’s my life and I think he’s being jealous af. Anyways after a little while I thought my friend (ex) and I were okay and back to being friends but now he doesn’t talk to me and I miss him. What should I do, or say to him? (Btw I’m sorry if this paragraph is confusing)