Lost 6 pounds so far! Is 25lbs by June realistic?

I’ve lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks! I’m now 160, I’m also 5’2. I am finally out of the “obese” BMI range!! 6 pounds may not seem like a lot but to me it’s a HUGE deal! I tried for 3 months to loose weight and I just kept gaining. Finally once I lost my first pound I kept pushing!

The only thing that has helped for me is counting calories.

MyFitnessPal has me eating no more then 1400 a day. I’m so happy because I’m not starving myself, and I’m taking it 5 pounds at a time. I am rewarding myself for every 5 pounds with something fun, like a new piercing, new clothes, tattoo, etc.

I do know the first 10 pounds are easiest to loose because of water weight so I’m a little worried that once I get down to 156 I won’t be loosing weight as fast or easily?

My goal is to be 140 by June, but it would be amazing if I was 135. Right now I’m mainly just focus on my diet because my life is wayyy to hectic to workout aside from running/ walking my dogs daily. The apartment complex I’m moving into in April does have a full gym so I will be taking advantage of that and my schedule will clear up by then.

Realistically is it safe to loose 20-25 pounds by June? Or is that pushing it?

Another thing is in June we will be ttc again because first I want to loose weight and second because that will be 10 months with depo shot out of my system. I want to be at least 140 before we start ttc again...