Scary bleeding. Long

Ericka • Wife, Mom to a toddler and expecting my 🌈 baby

This is our rainbow baby and Saturday I started spotting. We live in a small community and they were absolutely useless and rude during our miscarriage so as soon as I saw blood, I packed up my toddler and husband and drove 2.5 hours to my moms house. Sunday we went to the emerg and explained my symptom (spotting, strong cramps) and that I have never bled during a pregnancy before except for my miscarriage. They were amazing. Took me so seriously and took great care of us. We had an ultrasound and I started to tear up because the lady wasn't saying anything, I thought for sure I had lost another baby. They called my husband in and she turned to monitor to us. She said "so here is your baby, legs, arms and this flicker is the heart beat" I started to ball my eyes out. I couldn't believe it. There is still a chance I can met my baby. We talked to the emerg doctor afterwards and she actually said there was a small tear but nothing to worry about and that the baby is measuring almost a WEEK bigger than our timeline. I see my doctor tomorrow and actually get to go in for our scheduled ultrasound.

I knew that some bleeding is normal but there is no explaining a woman's brain during pregnancy after miscarriage. It may have been silly to go in but this piece of mind is everything to me and my family.

Thank you for listening.. I just had to share.