Dear So Called "God",

You are such an asshole of a so called creator. You allow so much bad in this world that I can't see how anyone can consider you a "loving" being. I was brought into this world as a Christian girl, baptized and all, yet I still left the church. I went to the youth ministries, the mission trips, and etc., and I still walked away from you. You are someone I can't figure out. Why do you expect us to love you when you can't even show your face? The Bible is so contradictory it's sickening. Love Thy Neighbor but slaughter the gays right? You send your own child to die for what? Sin? Your own FLESH AND BLOOD WAS HAMMERED TO A CROSS AND YET YOU ALLOWED IT! Who in their right mind would allow such a disgusting thing to happen to their child?! You're a selfish bastard. At this point my letter to you seems all over the place but I have to type it. Nothing my mother can say to me will ever make me try to understand you. I hate you and your STUPID logic. I know you're out there, but I highly doubt you are the man my mother loves so dearly.