I can’t anymore


I’ll start by stating that I don’t have many friends. In fact if I’m honest, I have none. Just really close to my mom and sister. I have plenty of acquaintances, but no actual friend. So I’m just posting this here well because I’ve no one else to tell. My family has no clue what I’m going through and how I feel. No one does, I’m usually pretty private.

I’ve been married for 3 years and from the beginning my marriage has endured so much turmoil. Somewhere through these hard times, my husband and I have grown apart. I know he still loves me, but I’m not convinced that I still love him. I just don’t feel much for him at all. I don’t harbor hate or anger, but neither do I hold joy and love.

I would never dream of keeping him locked in a one-sided relationship, but he wants to work on it. We’ve tried before, I just don’t know if I want to keep trying. My heart can’t take anymore heartbreak.

I don’t want to waste his time or efforts. I’m ready to let him go. I’m just so sad, because I really don’t understand how we got where we are. But I suppose that’s how most separations feel. Couples ask themselves, how did we get here?

Anyway thank you for reading. It feels better knowing I’ve gotten to let this out.