Husband has new girlfriend..

So my husband and I split up in December. A few days before Christmas. He moved about 45 mins away to be closer to work & left me behind. We talked every day up until a few weeks ago. We didn’t talk for 4 days. I thought I was doing the right thing by giving him space. Turns out he had already found a 19 year old girlfriend. (I’m 24 & he’s 25). He didn’t tell me about this girl. They put in a relationship on his Facebook. I was in no way a perfect wife but he wasn’t perfect either. He made me out to be this awful person that I’m not. I can tell he really like her and doesn’t want me. It hurts more than anything I could imagine. It hurts to know that he obviously didn’t love me. This girl works with my cousin and even bragged at work about how loud she is when they have sex. She said they disturbed his neighbors. I don’t know how to deal with it. I don’t know what to do. I just want my husband back but I know that’s never going to happen. I just need advice because I’m going crazy. I literally have one friend and no one else. Nothing to occupy my mind. Im going to see a counselor but I don’t think this will ever get any better. Any advice would be great. Just need something.