Mental Health and Relationships

Hey guys don't really mind this post I kinda just needed some sort of outlet I can convey my feelings towards without having people I know, know this situation between my boyfriend and I.

So I basically already knew my boyfriend has anxiety (he has medication yet hasn't been taking them bc he hasn't gotten the time to refill his prescription btw i'm in Canada so medication is free blah blah) and today he asked me if what he's been feeling and whatnot are signs of depression and mind you i'm not one to know because i'm unaware of depression but I myself have hit rock bottom and also self harmed myself so my concern is wanting to help him as much as I can because I love him but at the same time I can only do so much because I suffer with my own demons. I think what i'm trying to ask is if anyone is in the same boat or somewhat similar. How do you manage? Like I know it's difficult and we both love each other a lot but sometimes both of us just go through a lot it's just hard and I just want both of us to be happy...idk

Sorry guys I know this is long ugh i just needed to let this out...