Am I a b**** to my husband? Please read backstory.


So I am less than 5 weeks post-partum and my husband has been acting like it’s been forever that we had sex. Well it’s been almost 6 weeks (I went into labor the day after we had sex so we did it like literally the last time we could). I gave him a bj a week or two ago and he asked for one tonight. I told him yes if the baby went right to sleep around 10 when we started trying to get to sleep. Well it’s midnight and that didn’t happen. So she was just crying around 11:30 and he was just sticking/trying to stick his hand in my pants. I pulled it out and told him to stop it. Crying/upset baby really was not putting me in the mood. Honestly, I’ve been feeling off sexually since our baby was born and he is horny all the time. I’ll save all the other cranky mommy explanation as well... thoughts? Was it wrong? Or am I justified?

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