Just don’t know anymore....


Hi everyone. Just a random post really and nothing to do with babies but it’s good to talk so they say.

I’m back with my ex again after I’m not sure, 3/4 break ups. We have a daughter together. I love him I really do. He was my 1st love and I don’t know no different. When it’s good it’s really good but is love enough?!

I just don’t know anymore... he’s definitely not a saint and has a few problems and hurt me a fair few times now. I’m not staying with him for my daughters sake, not at all. I do get feelings of moving on but then I don’t want to walk away completely and I just don’t know why! Iv never been a cheater... I don’t think I know how but I have other men complimenting me and I find that so nice and I do feel myself being pulled off to maybe going our separate ways. Life is so difficult!