Does anyone else get recurrent UTIs after sex?

Hi guys,

I’m just wondering if anyone else’s body is as damn right annoying as mine?!

Every single time I have unprotected sex I get a UTI. Now I’ve always suffered with UTIs so I take cystocalm and drink cranberry juice prophylactically, but to no avail currently!

My partner is clean, we don’t swap from anal back to vaginal sex, I pee after sex every time and usual give a rinse too - sometimes you just can’t be arsed (you know the feeling!). I wipe front to back and i don’t get UTIs at any other point than when we have unprotected sex.

I have only, not too recently, started seeing this guy and his ...ahem... member.. is larger than anyone I’ve ever been with - can this be a factor?

Any tips or hints or ideas? Sex with condoms on is absolutely shit so that is not a valid tip 🙈😂 I’d prefer to be on antibiotics for the rest of my days ha!

Thanks in advance guys!!!

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