I really did it this time 😭😔😢😣


So my once fiancée and I have been on rocky terrain for some time now due to mistakes made in the past. I have been pushing him away and pulling him closer (without fully realizing it) for a while because of it. Ive been terrified to pull the trigger and live with him again and he’s been trying so hard to make it all up to me... well he’s tired, and he’s walking away from it all. I can’t really blame him but I don’t want him to go! I love him and yes it’s true that sometimes I don’t like him but I know me, and I know he must not like me at times as well.. I feel abandoned and I know I was the one who wasn’t ready to move in together but I also do not want him to walk away for us!! Agh, idk what to do. I feel like it’s not fair that although it’s been hard trying to forgive his wrong doings and move on I never gave up on our love; but he is. I don’t want him to be ruined but at the same time I feel ruined from what he has done, and I never left him. I keep trying to remember no body owes any body anything!! And just because I do something a certain way does not mean he does or has to.. I’m heart broken and so close to being a first time momma 😔 I’m hoping that when my little girl arrives all of this will be a bit easier because she will fill my heart, but he and I definitely shared something I’ve never shared with anyone before!