story stalking. I hate ghosting.

so I ended up rejecting a potential fwb I had been talking to for 2 months. We never met up, he had cancelled plans twice for personal reasons. I lost interest in started anything casual after that and decided I wanted to try serious dating with other people (he only wants hookups). So instead of ghosting, which I hate, I told him how I felt and offered friendship since I still enjoyed talking to him, he seemed cool.

He ignored me lol. We communicate mostly through snapchat so I know he opened my message. He never replied but now story stalks me 😑 which he never looked at my stories before. Its been like this for the last couple days. Everything I post, he's now 1st or 2nd to watch right away but still hasnt responded back to my offer.

I realize he's not obligated to reply to me at all. I just personally find it rude and odd. Especially after 2 months of talking nearly every day. Never had someone "story stalk" me before. A little bummed about it. He could have been a cool ass friend but now he just watches my day to day life. Oh well, his loss 😁 Anyone else been story stalked before? and why? lol