Line eyes? 😝 Different Test...


Thank you to all who reply and give their input!

Just moved into an old house, one that was built before they knew about lead paint. Wanted to make sure the water is safe for drinking and that there aren’t lead pipes. I did a home water testing kit, and everything passed except, I think, the pesticide test. That’s what the photos are. Lead test on the left, and I think it’s not a problem, but the pesticide test looks to me like both lines are equally dark; it says if they’re equally dark, it’s positive for potentially toxic levels of pesticides. That would not surprise me because it is an agricultural area. But what do you guys think? Do you think they are equally dark? Do you think I should test again before mentioning it to my landlord?

And on a more macro level, do you guys have experience moving into a new house and getting comfortable with drinking the tap water? I haven’t really drank it yet (been using bottled) because it tasted weird to me and I wanted to test first. It tastes...idk how to describe it. Chalky maybe? That’s even with running it through a Brita thing. Advice would be appreciated!

If you can’t make out the words on the instruction booklet, it says that if the line closest to 11 is darker than the one closest to 22, it’s negative for high levels. If the line is darker closer to 22, it’s positive for potentially toxic levels, and if they’re equally dark, that’s a positive also.

Note: it’s city water.