Need some tips to get baby to nap in crib


Hi everyone! I’m a first time mom just looking for some tips and tricks/advice. My little man is 11 weeks old and sleeps in our room in his rock and play (he never slept more than 10 minutes in his bassinet). I Intend for him to continue to sleep in our room for many months to come, however I want to start getting him used to his crib with naps. Whenever I place him in there he wakes right up. I don’t expect I️t to happen right away but I’m hoping for some small wins-like staying in there for even 10 minutes asleep. I just purchased some black out curtains on amazon as I’m hoping that will help a little. He hangs out in there and watches his mobile but he’s never slept in there.

Any other advice? Unfortunately he seems to rely on some motion to get him to sleep. thanks in advance :)