Opinions on dental sealants for kids?


I took my crew to the pediatric dentist today and they suggested I get sealants for one of my kid's teeth. I talked with the hygienist about it briefly and said I would go home and call back once I gather my questions and research a bit.

Dental sealants for kids looks like common practice now but something just doesn't sit right with me about it...

I've never had a cavity but my husband has many so my kids are considered high risk and see the dentist 4 times a year. We are fortunate that none have had a cavity yet.

Just wanted to see what others thought about sealants for their kids? Any dental hygienists/dentists that care to share? Pros/Cons to them?

I am not sure if the sealant they use contains BPA but I will call and ask once I gather all my questions/concerns.

Thank you! I greatly appreciate your input!