Do you really get your ass bigger buy lifting weights?

Janae • Hi there 👋🏼

Ived been seeing a lot of girls on instagram who put a before and after picture and they’re butt looks better. I mean it can be fake or what not but if you have done it and seen a change does it really work or is it all fake? I have been thinking of loosing weight after pregnancy also working on my no ass lol idk I’m curious to see if it really works

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Posted at
Squats, kick-backs, and lunges are great for building booty muscle, even better if you do it with weights, but that typically can take some building up to. It still takes a long time to get a poppin booty and genetics are a big part of it too, but yes, in general it works.


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If you lift do you arms get bigger? You work your muscles with weights and increase weight when able you build muscle. Your butt is a muscle.


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I noticed a differenceI go to the gym twice a week and each of those sessions is an hour plus I do a lot of walking because of my job Before: when I was at university and just stayed in bed all the time and ate endless amounts of fried chicken 😂After: a year of gymI don’t even do ab work outs I only do arms/back/shoulders and legs and bum and I’ve found I’ve gotten a really toned stomach(Excuse the marks just had my appendix out)


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i did donkey kicks this morning for the first time in 1800 years and i felt it in my booty cheeks immediately. they were like wtf evil sorcery is this. 👍


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lifting the weights and doing squats will help


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You can build up the muscles underneath the fat which will make your butt look bigger


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Your butt is just one big muscles so that is in fact the only way to add volume other than fat transfers or surgery