
after being with my partner for 6 years and never been on the pill we have been trying for about 6 months but i have pcos. i’m feeling fed up like i just want to leave my life in the UK where i have a partner, house, car and a lovely little dog and go live in america! i feel silly writing it but i feel like i’m not happy with this life anymore but i know id never have the nerve to move to america on my own and wouldn’t want to take my parter with me! iv got a little bit of an obsessive personality so if i get something in my head i can’t get it out for days but this feeling doesn’t seem to be going! is america as brilliant as it looks?! i love my partner and we want a baby so bad and the stress of it is hard on us because we feel like something is missing but i don’t feel like iv done everything i need to do 😥