I’m so scared


I just had my first appointment on Monday. Today is Wednesday. He told me I have a threatened miscarriage and that I need to take it easy. I started cramping last night.

I miscarried in June at 9 weeks and now it’s the last day in January. I’m 7w+6d but the baby measured a day bigger. Heart rate was 156.

I’m so scared. Last time I had no pregnancy symptoms. This time I am so nauseated. I’ve thrown up a few days but not every day, but I am nauseas every day all day. I took that as a good sign... now I’m not so sure. I’m cramping so bad. No blood tho so I’m trying to tell myself it’s just pain from the pap I had on Monday.

Hearing that little heart beat was the most wonderful feeling in the world. I’m so scared it’s going to stop beating.