Emma Sherlock Schmidt has arrived

Emma Sherlock Schmidt has arrived! 1/20/18 3:25pm.

7lbs, 15oz. 20 inches long. 12 hours of labor. They said I'm a very efficient pusher. 😁

She kicked really hard at 3:57am and broke my water while I was in bed. My contractions started hard and fast immediately. We got to the hospital at 5:30am. I was dialated to 5 already with severe back labor. I had planned against it, but ended up requesting an epidural. By the time I got it at 7:45am, I found out after that I was an 8! I've never felt such pain relief. My OB had me relax and labor down for a while. At 3:25pm, I only pushed about 9 times, and she was out. I'm feeling great except for a 2nd degree tear and a family of hemorrhoids. 🙄 We came home from the hospital the next day. We love her so much and feel so blessed.