Dear SO

I love you with all my heart baby. I see you struggling we aren’t living together because we are both facing our own personal struggles. I see how your family treats you and it makes me so angry. I pushed you away with my anger twords how they treat you. I should have just let it be so you could see for yourself sooner. So now I sit and watch from afar. I see the pain on your face when you come to me to vent. I think you are amazing and they take advantage of you. I can tell you just want so bad to have a family. I do too but sometimes the family we are given isn’t healthy for us. I know it hurts and I see you trying to stay strong but I know you I look at you and can see it I feel it when I’m around you. Stop trying so hard baby just let them go they are pushing you down focus on the few who are for you and forget the rest. I’m going to continue to stand by your side and push you to do better. I’ll give you a family one day. Just hang tight and don’t stress the same way you take care of me I’m going to take care of you. I love you with all my heart!!