Pregnancy box?

So, I’m on a weight loss journey and still have approx. 25-30 pounds to go. I’ve lost 19 so far and already have to get clothes that aren’t baggy on me. I’ve been going through my closet and dresser and pulling out old clothes as I buy new/new to me items. Since I plan to have a new wardrobe (as in fashion) by the end of this journey, I’m just gonna donate most of the clothes that don’t/won’t/never have fit my style and taste. But, there are some clothes that sorta do fit my style but are big on me now; jeans, flowy tops, graphic tees, etc...

So, looking at the clothes I particularly like but are too big on me now, I was thinking about making a pregnancy box for them. I don’t plan on getting that big when I do get pregnant, and maternity clothes are freaking expensive af!

Idk... is this smart or should I toss them into the donate bag and buy proper maternity clothes from Walmart or Thrift stores when I actually do get preggers?