I seen RED..

Sooooo I hadn’t had sex in almost 3 years 😐...

Over the weekend that all changed.. I had sex a total of about 6x in 3 days (same guy of course!)

Might I add GREAT SEX! Here’s the thing, Thursday was a BLOODY MESS! So midway through he realized I was bleeding (Oh the embarrassment I felt 🤦🏾‍♀️) 😳😳.

The sheets/cover was destroyed. It was so much blood, almost as if I had my period which I knew wasn’t coming yet

. I panicked of course but after talking to a few people they were all like it always happens to me if I haven’t had sex in a long time.. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was little to no spotting. Although the kept telling me it was fine and making light of the situation I felt TERRIBLE.

Has this happened to anyone else before?