HELP! Something irregular is happening and I need advice..

About 4 days ago I started to feel a pressure and so I started thinking my period was coming but it definitely wasn’t as painful as my cramps usually get so I just thought it was a little early cramping (I wasn’t supposed to start my period for another week and a half) so I didn’t worry and then I started to notice some “spotting” and it wasn’t like a normal period of mine that starts very heavy, but it was almost a brown discharge? Like blood had been sitting in my body and I am sexually active so I thought I had maybe just got a little her inside from the day before but now it’s been going on very off and on for 3 days and I’m getting concerned because I’m starting to get a pain like a constipation pain (though I do get constipated pretty frequently and it causes me pain) but OF COURSE I went to google and it made me fear of possible pregnancy or miscarriage... any thoughts? I’m 16 and very scared and don’t know how to see what’s going on... and I am on birth control.