This dream freaked me out

It's not even that scary but it's just because it correlated with real life.

I was in the process of trying to become a foster parent and got denied because I basically have a damn tomb in my back yard. It's an old tornado shelter, like OLD old that can't be used because it's filled with water. The "door" is just a big metal slab and that's a huge, gigantic safety hazard so until I get that under control no foster kids for me.

Honestly something freaky could live down there and I'd never know it. Old Greg? Possible.

Anyways I had a dream that someone came to my door asking me if I had just tried to become a foster parent. She told me that it wasn't "exactly legal" but if I wanted to care for kids she could "get them for me"

Wtf no. So I say no and tell her to leave.

Couple days later she shows up with these kids and a baby and literally DROPS THE BABY at my door. These kids are filthy, desperately need food and a bath.

I scream that I'm calling the police and she pulls a gun on me and says "you don't know who the fuck I am or what I can do so I dare you to call the police. If you do, I'll kill you, these kids and your entire family"

So I'm like scared shitless I have no idea what to do because I don't want anyone to die and I have no idea who she is or how she got these kids and I'm like a wreck this entire time and I woke myself up freaking out over it. Like, it's such a creepy ass dream that has me so emotional. I hate it! I thought that If I just shrugged it off and went on with my day that I'd forget the dream but I freaking haven't.


Edit: I don't have pics of the shelter now and it's dark outside and cold as hell (also scared I might fall in) so tomorrow if you feel like coming back to see this I'll show you where old Greg lives