I ❤️ breastfeeding


My little one turned a month old on the 23rd. Ebf since day one. It was a little stressful in the first week we had a jaundice scare where she HAD to eat every 1.5-2 hours. We made it a week of that and she kicked the jaundice!! Then we found out a week later she has a cows milk allergy and I had to cut all dairy/butter out of my diet. I kept pushing through! Just had her one month check up today and she gained 3 pounds and is happy and healthy! I could have given up and gave her formula either time, but I was determined to give her the best thing for her. Breast milk. I find it so convenient not to have to clean and warm up bottles or buy formula! She is the happiest little girl and is thriving! (everyone in our household right now is sick with either the flu or colds. I truly believe her and I have stayed healthy because of me breast feeding and I am so thankful for that!!)

Side note* I know what it’s like not to be able to breastfeed. With my first he had his frenulum snipped and couldn’t latch on. I pumped for a little but it wasn’t satisfying him so he was put on formula.

Every baby is different. And I know some women don’t have a choice. Things happen and that doesn’t make you any less of a Mom. A fed baby is a happy baby no matter what. I’m just so proud of myself and little girl that we have made it this far!