I’m falling for a bad boy 😬🤦🏽‍♀️♥️😬

I met this guy in Walmart parking lot one night and he pulled up behind me as I was getting ready to leave. His car was behind mine so I asked if he wanting my parking space, he said no he wanted my number. It was dark and he looked cool, I told him I wasn’t his type. (Shy, quiet unless I’m comfortable with you, artsy, innocent) and he goes “you don’t know that”. So giving him the benefit of the doubt I have him my number and he text me they next day and wanted to know when he could see me... I told him that it couldn’t be that week because I was moving... so the next week we meet up at the mall and I’m kinda dorky like embarrass myself type stuff( I’m clumsy) lmao. 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️. We asked each other basic stuff.. he’s 22, and I’m 19 we asked about first impressions and I looked at his sleeve of tattoos so I’m thinking baby mama drama type guy. But he’s actually really sweet and he works with special needs children. Never judge a book by its cover huh?! But we had an okay time I guess, we were only in there about an hour because I had to pick up my sibling from school. But we wanted to see each other.. I wasn’t really feeling him physically but he gave me a hug and he was so sweet and nice. He wanted to hang out again but I had doubts and thought that he had Ulterior motives. We came close a couple of times but it never went through. Because he works at night and I work during the day (problem). And he goes home on the weekends (out of town) not too far though. I see him on snapchat, laying on a females rear with a stack of cash and smoking and I confronted him. He said that I was “silly” and that he had friends. It crushed me a bit, because I didn’t approach him. But I didn’t sweat. In this time apart it’s been well over 2 months now, I have really been longing to see him again. He doesn’t text me unless I text him, out convos are dead bc we don’t know each other... it’s just that I thought he would like a good girl I’ve never had sex so maybe I’m too boring for him. Sooo I guess My question is do you think he’s lost interest if so explain.. and how I could re-spark this and get to know each other a little better