Body comments - cute or nah


I’ve known this guy since I started high school (in year 11 now) and we never really spoke we were just in the same sort of friend group.

I always thought he had a crush on one of my mates so when he started hitting me up I thought it was strange that he never ever spoke to me and all of a sudden was saying he loved me and shiz.

It was also really weird that he’d never talk to me in person so one night at a party I asked him why he never spoke to me in person and he got really angry saying I shouldn’t question him so I distanced myself for a while.

A few weeks later we’re talking again and it’s going ok when he starts saying stuff like ‘your laugh is so cute’ which I thought was kind of sweet and thanked him.

But now hes started commenting on my body and idk how to feel/react about it????

Like I’ll walk past him and he’ll say something like ‘damn you’re thicc’ or w/e (mind you I have no butt) and when I said don’t comment on that he stopped but then he started like ‘you’re so slim/I like your legs/etc’ and idkk.

Also he’s weirdly possessive like I talk with any other guy and he messages me about how it hurts his feelings?????

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